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App Features

Oats Flowering.JPG

Add Fields

Detailed Field Boundaries

Place multiple pin points as your draw your field to show accurate field boundaries.

Color Coding

Color code fields to differentiate crops or choose one color for your entire farm.

Auto-Calculate Acres

Draw your field and the acres will be automatically calculated, you can manually adjust acres after if needed.


  • Weeds

  • Diseases

  • Insects

  • Photos

  • Comments

  • Scout notes

App Feature, Observations, Crops, Weeds, Crop Insects, Crop Disease, Comments, Scouts, Photos
App Features, Soil Testing, GPS, Field, VR Map, GSP Soil Testing

Soil Testing

GPS-enabled soil testing

Pair your device with an external GPS for increased accuracy when soil testing.

Take your VR map to the field

Upload .tiff files into the app so they can overlay the google map to see zone locations.

Record applied fertility

Add applied fertilizer on-the-go for easy record keeping.


  • Target application window/date

  • Up to 4 product tank mixes

  • Rates with helpful notes

  • Water Volume

  • Grower Reminder Notes

Product Recommendations, Scout Recommendations, Crops, Weeds, Insecticide, Crop Disease, Field Recommendations
Field Operations.png

Field Operations

Track details of all field activity - right from seeding up to harvest.

Share between users on your farm.

Handy reporting like seeding date report for crop insurance.

Farmer Notes

Notes sections available to keep track of everything from a shopping list for chemicals to the combine settings that you will need for the next year. This notes section is shared at the farm level, meaning that all farmer logins for that farm can add or edit the notes. 

Field Operations.png
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2024 AgScouter Update - Filter.png
2024 AgScouter Update - Filter.png
2024 AgScouter Update - Filter.png

Farm Filtering

This feature is for multi-farm users.

Filter the map view by farm to see only that farm's fields.

Select multiple farms to view on the map at one time.

View up to 100 fields at once.

Swipe away App to reset filters.

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